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The wall decoration could be the main protagonist of a room, but we often forget it. In fact, this is a very essential element in order to personalise a house and turn it in to our home. It can be characterized by some objects, but also by colors, materials and styles.

Vinyls, paintings, pictures, clocks, mirrors are just few of the countless objects that can be used to decorate a wall. Just remember to set free your own style, and your personal preference.



How to decorate a wall with paintings and pictures


Bring your personal memories and inspiration into your home with paintings and pictures! It’s easy!

 1. The first step consists in choosing photos and pictures you really like, for example the ones who represent your being and your thoughts.

 2. Choose the size according to the dimension of the wall. You can opt for big, medium or small pictures or even for a collage.

 3. Arrange everything on the wall and create your different and welcoming room thanks to personal pictures. Don’t get afraid! Dare!

 4. You can choose the classic square frames or dare with round and geometrical ones.  You can create a very eclectic and asymmetric space in order to make the wall, and its composition, more interesting. You will decover it is possible to create a good decoration, for every special corners of your room,  with just few money.


This kind of decoration made of photos and pictures fits with all kinds of styles and rooms. It does not matter if it is a bedroom, a living room or a children bedroom, just set free your ispiration.


The use of wooden boxes could be another original idea.  They are a decoration element, but at the meantime, a very functional object.  As you can see in the following pictures it is possible to create authentical and welcoming rooms just using simple elements, such as some vintage boxes.



How to decorate a wall with clocks

Wall clocks, are functional and decorative too. A nice clock gives personality to the room. Here below some ideas:

1. Arrange it on shelves or on the chimney, in order to make the room more bohemian and informal.


2. Hang it on the ceiling. It is a new surprising and well accepted solution. 

3. Hang it on the wall. Without doubts it is a more classic solution, but you can mix different clocks of different styles and dimensions.

A peculiar clock can give more personality and strength to the room. A radical mix between different styles. The retró style is always very popular and the antique is gaining more and more value. For this reason a retro clock could be perfect to combine actual decorative elements with vintage decorative ones. Watch out! Try to establish a common point, such as the color, the symmetry... set free your imagination!


4. Glue it to the wall. That’s right: the sticker clock! A secret for an original decoration. They are suitable for every room and you can glue them according to your own preference and designs.



How to decorate a wall with mirrors

The mirror is one of the best decorative elements since long time, and during the years it has been changing in matter of styles and location.


There is no rules about decoration with mirrors, but they make the illumination deeper and give a sensation of largeness. Besides, you can mix mirrors, paintings and photos in order to create a collage. Choose the same color for the frames of mirrors and paintings to make the room more agreeable.

Mirrors are very eclectic in matter of decoration. You can put them in every corner of the house, except the ceiling. What about sizes? You can choose a mini mirror or even an extralarge one.


Opt for original arrengements, for example put them on shelves or directly on the floor, close to a wall.


You can also arrange other decorative elements near or in front of the mirror, such as led bottles, small vases with flowers, candlesticks. Finally, leave some memos all over your mirror for a more personal and original idea. Let discover all the possibilities in matter of shapes, sizes and colors. Add a mirror! Now you know all the secrets to decorate a wall in the best way.
